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Friday, December 30, 2011

Several Factors Cause Sagging Breasts

In previous posts I discussed the advantages women have breast kicil. Some of the benefits of time at home can take off her bra and breasts are not sagging.
When women reach a certain age, her breasts will sag. This is reasonable because
the milk glands shrink, so there is an empty space in the skin covering the breast.
Relaxation can also be caused by a drastic change in your body, so that the fat in the breast is reduced. While the condition is not accompanied by a decrease in skin covering the breast.
Cause that makes the most beautiful breasts are not wrong when choosing a bra. Unfortunately, not many women are aware of it. They do not know what kind of smear is best to support breast beauty.
Here are some factors that cause falls and engorgement of the breast in addition to the things already mentioned.
1. Childbirth and breastfeeding. Breast size is growing along with gestational age. Breast enlargement create mass increases. As a result, the stronger the pull down.
2. Too big and shaken. Similar to the case of nursing mothers. Breast mass affects the gravitational pull. The greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force, especially if the breast is always shaken, especially in athletes.
3. There is no buffer. Familiarize yourself with no bra will cause the slack, especially when relatively large breast size.
4. Bad habits. Side sleeping can make sagging breasts. This can be explained by the theory of gravity. On the side sleeping, breast no support at all, except by the BH. In contrast to sleep on their backs, because the breasts are supported by the body.
5. The disease. Diseases such as TB (tuberculosis) or breast cancer can result in a small, loose, or fall. This is because viruses that destroy malignant cells and organs.
6. Lack of nutrition. Although the consumption of nutritious food is more useful to tighten the skin, this factor is very important. Diseases such as tuberculosis or cancer can arise from lack of nutrition. Foods such as cabbage, soybeans, tempeh, soy milk, and garlic is great for preventing breast cancer.
7. Harsh treatment. Every inch of our bodies must be treated gently, especially breast. Rough treatment such as wringing too strong, largely determines the beauty of the breast. Also when we use a bra that makes breasts pressed, squeezed, and others.
8. Errors wearing a bra. BH is too small, too tight, or made with ingredients not good, can cause the breasts are not healthy. As a result, the breast becomes loose and falls
So always keep your health to always perform optimally. And grateful with what we have. All there must be advantages and disadvantages.


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