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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Jami Sulthoni Plosokuning Mosque, One of the Oldest Mosques Keraton Yogya

Jami Mosque Sulthoni Plosokuning, known as the State Pathok mosque. This is one of the oldest mosque's palace which is located the north Ngayogyakarta DIY palace. In addition to Sulthoni Plosokuning Mosque, there are several other countries namely Pathok mosque Masjid Taqwa in Wonokromo, Pleret District, Bantul, located in the south. In the east there Darojat At Mosque, in the hamlet Babadan, Banguntapan. While in the west there Jami Mosque Trihanggo Mlangi Village, Dalkeith Sleman District. There was also the State Pathok Nurul Huda Mosque in Kauman, Dongkelan, Tirtonirmolo Village, Poor District, Bantul.

Pathok Mosque or Masjid Sulthoni Plosokuning State is located at Jl Raya Plosokuning, Minomartani Village, Sleman District Ngaglik or about 1.5 miles east of Highway Kaliurang Km 9, Ngaglik, Sleman.

This mosque he was already more than 200 years of the early 19th century AD or at the time of Sultan Hamengkubuwono III reigns. The mosque was founded by the State Pathok palace in the four directions of the compass. It was intended as a fortress or a palace or a spiritual protector is often referred to as a mosque pancering earth.

Mosque Building Sulthoni is still maintained as before with four pole / main pillars made of teak wood. The mosque is a single story, has domes, minarets, mosques porch, where khati pulpit, as well as drum and kentongan used to signal the coming of the call to prayer.

This mosque was built after the construction of the Great Mosque or the Great Mosque in Yogyakarta Kauman, so that it almost resembles a mosque form mimics a large mosque. The mosque stands on the ground or the Sultan of Yogyakarta Sultanate Ground (SG) area of ​​2500 square meters. At the time of founding, building mosques only area of ​​288 square meters. But this time the mosque has been expanded to 328 square meters.

In front of and beside the mosque there is a pool. This pool is intended to pilgrims before entering the mosque has been a net outward from a small filthy dirt.

The name is taken from the name of Hamlet Plosokuning Ploso tree that has yellow leaves. First, the location of this tree is approximately located at about 200 meters east of the mosque, but now it is gone.

In addition to the hamlet known as students, around the mosque Plosokuning occupied only by people who still have a lineage with Kiai Mursada. Area adjacent to a mosque known as the area or place of residence Mutihan kiai and Muslim students. This area is also referred to as the Yellow Ploso Jero. Only people who have blood ties with the founder of the mosque who can stay. While the area is some distance from the mosque called Yellow Ploso Jaba.

The mosque has been designated as a heritage building objects (BCB) by the government. Building the mosque has also been renovated several times, including the former mosque floor of brick plastered with cement and never replaced tiles / tiles. There is now replaced with a ceramic white color. So it looks cleaner with the present situation.

Forms the roof of the mosque is almost equal to the Great Mosque Kauman. The difference is large mosque with three overlapping roof. While the mosque Plosokuning by overlapping the two. Crown mosques also have in common, that is made of clay and shingle roof of the mosque are made of. This indicates when the village mosque pathok lower position compared to the big mosque in Yogyakarta Kauman bertumpang canopy roof that has three. Compared with other countries pathok mosque, the authenticity of the building of this mosque is still found.

In front of the mosque there are two pools with a depth of 3 meters. Any person who will enter the mosque must first purification in the pool. Another meaning of the two pools is when we are studying must be deep. Currently the pool is also used to preserve fish and to wash their feet before entering the mosque.

Inside the mosque, there is an old pulpit made of teak wood with a handle ornaments on the pulpit. Rostrum is also equipped with a stick used by the preacher at the time of giving a sermon that is still used.

To learn more about this mosque can be visited any time. To worship course. Not for anything else. Hopefully this post can be useful for you all. And hopefully more to preserve the cultural relic.


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