• Maybe you're not a cat lover. maybe you do not like that lazy animals. when you see a cat lounging on a chair, sleeping all...
  • Kotagede Mosque is one of the oldest mosque in Yogyakarta. The mosque founded by Sultan Agung of Mataram king was...
  • Usually there's a waterfall in the mountains. the road distance and rugged terrain to be traversed can see the waterfall. but unlike some of these waterfalls...
  • Jami Mosque Sulthoni Plosokuning, known as the State Pathok mosque. This is one of the oldest mosque's palace which...
  • 1. Candi Borobudur Magelang Indonesia...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Dragon Fruit : Kasiat Mengkonsumsi Buah Naga

Buah naga adalah buah kaktus yang sangat unik yang mampu menyimpan cadangan air pada buahnya. Buah naga mempunyai khasiat yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan manusia. Karena banyak manfaat tersebut sekarang buah naga menjadi sangat populer. Manfaat buah naga diantaranya sebagai

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