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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kotagede Mosque, One of the Oldest Mosque in Yogyakarta

Kotagede Mosque is one of the oldest mosque in Yogyakarta. The mosque founded by Sultan Agung of Mataram king was thought to have stood in the mid 17th century AD, around the year 1640. So now the mosque is over 350 years old and
still standing strong with a building that is still good.

Some other old mosques
after the reign of Senopati which is still found is that the mosque Sultoni Wotgaleh Berbah, Imogiri Pajimatan mosque established and the Mosque of Sultan Agung Giriloyo eat Sunan Cirebon. Kotagede mosque construction in 1640 or when the Sultan is seated along with the construction of the tomb complex Imogiri.

Kotagede Mosque until recently also frequently visited by pilgrims. In the month of fasting, the mosque has also become one of the favorite places of Muslims who want to run Itikaf. One of the unique activities at the mosque include tarawih prayers in congregation at 24.00 pm.

To go to Masjid Kota Gede, is straightforward. Located not far from the Market area Ngeksigondo Kotagede and that is the center of silver. Besides the mosque, the complex also contained the tomb of the founder of the Mataram dynasty, and his father Ki Panembahan Senopati Pemanahan Savior and his family. In that place there is also a bathhouse called Spring Selirang.

The entrance to the mosque complex could be through the front door and gate or gate-shaped paduraksa made of brick. It also can pass through the northern gate, through the village Kudusan.

When the entrance gate paduraksa we can not see directly the mosque because that requires visitors unobstructed wall turn right first. The gate is a form of tolerance Paduraksa Sultan Agung on residents who helped build the mosque which is still much to Hinduism and Buddhism.

Kotagede mosque building underwent two stages of development. The first phase of which was built during Sultan Agung mosque is only a core building with a pyramid model of overlapping roof with four pillars. All wood used is teak. Spacious main mosque's only about 100 square meters. While the second phase of development done by Sunan Pakubuwono X by extending the front of the mosque portico buildings. Area of ​​the mosque along with pages approximately 1,000 square feet.

Like an ancient mosque in Java, this mosque is also equipped with a pool that surrounds it. This pool is intended as a means of cleansing ourselves of all impurities before entering the mosque.

On the porch the mosque is still there is an old drum and kentongan. Hundred-year-old drum was a gift from someone named Nyai Pringgit from Dondong Village, an area in Adikarto or Kulon Progo today.

For his services to the drum, the descendants of Nyai Pringgit given the right to occupy the area around the mosque, later named the village Dondongan. Kentongan the drum and is still rung to mark the times of prayer. Above the door of the mosque there is also a carving calligraphy.

The wall around the building either complex tomb mosque until Panembahan Senopati and Ki Ageng Pemanahan and other family is made of brick walls. During the month of fasting, the mosque Kotagede always busy with various activities ranging from lectures, study of Hadith, of TPA until tadarus. And that is not less meriahnya takjilan that many people visited. Bakan not just from local people. But also citizens who come from afar.


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